Wednesday, December 29, 2010

MLK's Montgomery House

Dexter Baptist parsonage

The parsonage where Dr. King lived with his wife and baby daughter in Mongomery while he was pastor at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church was the scene of a major epiphamy for the young preacher. One night not long after the bus boycot had started, Dr. King was about to doze off beside his sleeping wife when the phone rang. When he answered,vile hate-filled threats against his family shook him to the core. He made himself a cup of coffee and sat at the little kitchen table, discouraged and frightenened, then dropped to his knees to pray for guidance. He wrote that it was then that his Jesus said to him directly "Martin Luther, stand up." and gave him the strength and courage to be the leader he became. Later the house was bombed, but no one in the family was hurt, and after a moment of rage, Dr. King felt strengthened ins commitment to nonviolence.

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